Movement for Every Body

What I love to Teach:

My classes are filled with foundational and functional movements. I combine basic yoga, Pilates, and QiGong to support every body at every level… No circus poses!

Each class focuses on moving the body with mindfulness and care, building stability, and working within the parameters of each student’s needs.

Have you been curious about yoga or Pilates and wondered if they could help with your back pain or anxiety, but you don’t consider yourself a ‘yoga person‘?

Are you in search of a basic movement class that can be tailored to your needs? Perhaps you’re not extremely fit or flexible, and the idea of attending a regular yoga class makes you anxious.

I offer classes designed for those with little to no experience or for those looking to regain mobility, strength, and flexibility after an injury.

If you:

  • think that advanced Yoga is standing on your head or achieving circus poses.
  • interested in the latest trendy classes like hot Yoga or Power Pilates.
  • believe that you need to be skinny and flexible to practice yoga.
  • worrying about what it looks like and what other people think of you.
  • plan to go through the motions and not be present. 

Then I am not the teacher for you.

But if you:

  • want to experience the pose versus worrying about what it looks like and what other people think of you.
  • want to learn how to tune into your emotional body.
  • aren’t a human pretzel.
  • are looking for gentle movements that make your daily activities easier.
  • are open to using props and chairs to help you express the movement correctly in your body.

Then stop by for a class!

I offer accessible practices for all shapes and sizes and abilities.

I want to make sure that the movements works for your body.

Hola. I’m Clara

My yoga and pilates journey began in 2004 during a previous career as an Air Ambulance Pilot and Certified Airplane Flight Instructor in Nashville, TN.  I used yoga to decrease stress and add movement to my sedentary profession.

I stepped into a yoga class for the first time thinking I needed a “good” stretch after a long shift.  I would strategically pick a spot close to the door, and quietly roll up my mat, grab my car keys, and split while everyone else was getting ready for Savasana.  My life was too busy for a nap in the middle of the day!

In 2011, my partner and I took the leap of faith to actively detach from society’s normal constructs and dared to find something deeper and more fulfilling in life.  We sold our house and most of our belongings to begin long-distance hiking around the world. 

Over 10,000+ miles of hiking and 8 years later, I find myself living in Mexico full-time and sharing tools that have worked for me to find a little peace in the every day.

RYT-200 Yoga Alliance Register Yoga Teacher.

Functional Pilates Mat Instructor

Advanced Yin and Restorative Yoga Certified.

Yoga Nidra and Sound Immersion Certified.

BackMitra® and Level I Reiki Certified.

Over 21 years of Yoga & Pilates practice. 

All classes taught at AP Studio, El Sargento, BCS. Click here for directions.

***Riding your bike or walking to class is encouraged.***

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What is Functional Movement?

Functional Movement is less about a specific type of yoga and Pilates and more about an approach. I want you to experience the pose without worrying about its appearance or what other people think of you. This idea liberates us from excuses and unrealistic expectations. It’s an approach that can be applied to everything we do, both on and off the mat.

Are you feeling the stretch where you want it to be? 

Are you tuned to your emotional body? 

Are you mentally in class or going through the motions?

What is Foundational Movement?

I don’t aim to move through as many postures or exercises as possible in an hour. Each class is based on basic Yoga and/or Pilates poses, allowing you the time and space to express these movements.

The focus is on stability, balance, and understanding how you experience each movement. Our bodies need to be stable yet flexible as we age. Yoga helps us accept that every day can be different mentally and physically.

Movement without breath awareness is only half of the journey, so learning how to reduce effort in the body and make space for the breath within the posture helps form a deeper self-connection and greater inner awareness.

~ Becoming Present ~

One of the true benefits of yoga is what happens outside the practice. How long can you hold onto the calm after class? Maybe it disappears when someone cuts you off in the parking lot. Perhaps it fades when you turn on your phone and scroll through social media. Maybe you’ve never felt it because you’re focused on other people in class instead of looking inward.

We don’t receive these benefits if our focus is solely on ‘getting through’ the physical class. Developing a deeper practice can extend into our daily activities. We become more efficient in focusing on tasks we need to accomplish during our day. Additionally, we can find greater emotional stability when dealing with difficult people and situations.